

The copyright on the content of this website belongs to us, CHS Container Trade B.V., unless we have indicated otherwise. You cannot derive any rights from the information on this website.

Accuracy of information provided

We have paid a lot of attention to the content of our website, but we cannot exclude that it contains incompleteness or errors. Although we find this annoying, we accept no liability for this. We do like it if you point out any errors to us so that we can correct them.


You use our website at your own risk. We accept no liability for any damage that might be caused by direct or indirect use of our website.


We reserve the right to adjust this disclaimer. We will publish changes on this website.

Management, maintenance and security

This website has been designed and developed with great pleasure by eResults from Utrecht. FifthGear CMS was used for technical development. The copyright of files and scripts for the technical functioning and security of this website lies with eResults. None of this may be used without the explicit permission of eResults, other than for the functioning of this website.