CHS Container Handel B.V is active in the purchase, sale, rental and modification of used and new sea containers. We are part of the CHS Container Group from Bremen. Our large stocks allow us to respond quickly and flexibly to the sometimes complex requests of our customers. We can supply you with the suitable container: whether it is a standard sea container, a refrigerated container or a container that has been completely modified for special purposes. The delivery of temporary or semi-permanent office containers is also possible. The use of containers hardly has any limits, realibility and quality make the difference. The CHS-team wil gladly advise you about the limitless applications which our containers can offer you. Transport options, by truck, rail, barge or vessel, our team can give you a suitable logistical answer.

Worldwide service
Also a worldwide service with regard to buying and selling of seacontainers makes CHS a reliable and multifunctional partner. With business sites and terminals in various major world seaports, we are right in the center of container storage and shipping. With a large number of branche offices worldwide, we can quickly provide our international customers with the right container types. This also supports our international team to ensure a correct settlement of your purchase and / or sale.